Tuesday, 5 May 2009

The Adjusted First Floor

In an effort to remedy the two major issues i had with the last plan, the following plan evolved. The space occupied by the café on the second floor allows only enough room for toilets and the kitchen which alleviates the need for a secondary egress, which in turn allows for the day care centre to have a visual connection to the courtyard.

The visual connection was of great significance as it increases the number of monitored windows on the first floor. The windows on the stairwells are only monitored on an infrequent basis by people coming and going, leaving them frequently unmonitored. The windows in the guest suite are only monitored when there is someone using the suite and in which case it is mostly used in the evening, not throughout the day, likewise the two bedroom windows in the apartment only offer (in an average household) occasional monitoring. Now that the daycare occupies the 3 windows on the first floor in the building on the road, there is a better balance throughout the day. The daycare is used on a daily basis while the more private or intimate spaces in the evening.

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