Saturday 7 May 2011

The Ethos

I started looking back at some of my posts about/during my thesis and realized how utterly bland and mundane I've gotten in terms of my material. For what I'm in the middle of, my expressions give no indication.

But who wants to know about the Constitution of the 5th Republic and all its ins and outs? or why people vote the way the do? This I ask because there are very few people who ever last longer than about 5 minutes when I do talk about it. The glassy eye film drops down and they just sort of smile and nod for a while, and then excuse themselves politely.

That being said, I understand that it doesn't make for very interesting banter, unless you're in the same program in which case, I have had some great conversations. Unfortunately I myself, as much as I do find it extremely interesting, have been battling my inner architect for the last few months.

If I could do anything I wanted this summer, no matter the cost, I would buy a tiny little apartment, well, 9m2 or more, renovate it and rent it. I feel like I'm in trouble, the itch is there, I need to design. Even if it's only what tiles to lay, and how to fit the kitchen in... I NEED to design. And even more so, I need to get my foot on this property ladder thing that everyone keeps talking about. The only catch is that, that is a dream for if I had no limits. As it is however, a limited line of credit and a lack of formal employment sort of puts a KY-bosh on the entire dream, and on any personal projects as they all seem to cost a chunk of money.

That being said, there is one last avenue that isn't quite the price of an apartment, but might fuel the eventual acquisition of such. Gotta get back to art. It has been a while and the last piece that I did, I take little pride in, as it was done simply to fill the space on our wall...

I finished it in an afternoon and used some of the left over plaster from my efforts in our old bedroom for the texture and the only three colours of acrylic paint that I own... for the time being...

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