Friday, 29 July 2011

The Sandwich

One of my favourite things in London and is to this day the first thing that I look for upon returning to London is a crayfish and rocket sandwich from Pret a Manger. More commonly refered to as "Pret".

On one occaision while browsing the wonderous aisles at La Fayette Gourmet I found Crayfish... so you might imagine I was immediately inspired to try to recreate my favourite London lunch break!


And it was such a fulfilling experience, however not the same as the real thing!


Someday soon I will make it back to the UK. Upon writing this entry, I did notice that Pret has been exported to the states, or at least to NYC. Unfortunately with the name like Pret, and being based on a rather french idea of lunch, (meaning the fresh sandwich thing is pretty much everywhere here) I don't think it'll be rocking Paris anytime soon. For the time being, I'll have to stick to the DIY crayfish and rocket sandwich. 

Not too shabby, but definitely not the same!

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