Thursday, 20 January 2011

The Flight...

I realize I've made a few references to all our stairs. I figured it might help if I illustrated exactly what I was refering to. So looking down from our 6th floor landing looks like this.

From this point begins my day, or our day, or whose ever day it is. This image expanded, equates to...


I must say though, apparently there was at one time a plan to put in an elevator... but I just don't see where it would go! there's not alot of extra space in this stair well. It's pretty much a single file affair.

I should also clarify, that this is not meant as a complaint, it is by the grace of these stairs that I can eat ice cream, and wine and not gain much weight. Well it is this and the running I do in the metro, and I guess the fact that I walk everywhere. Funny not having a car is good on two fronts, great muscle toner and doesn't burn fossil fuel!

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